The Anglian Microscopy Group meets at Crowfield Village Hall, usually on
the third Saturday, with around 30 keen amateur microscopists attending
each meeting. You don’t need to be a scientist to come along and enjoy
yourself, we have people from all sorts of backgrounds and there’s
expert help to assist with equipment and techniques. You don’t even need
a microscope, we have club microscopes available for use on the day and
if you have your own and are unsure about its use we’ll help you with
that as well. All materials are provided and are either free or very low
Our sessions cover all manner of subjects, so far we've done;
setting up a microscope
how to clean microscopes
pond life identification
taking photographs down the microscope
making pollen slides
making slides of bacteria and cheek cells
mitosis in onion root tips
Christmas themed microscopy
And more to come!
Best of all, the cost to be a member is nothing at all, the club is
funded by the national microscopy organisation, the Quekett, and all
meetings are free.
Meetings for the coming year:
January 20th Foraminifera and sand (Dry mounts)
February 17th Polarised light Crystal melts
* March 23rd Basic microscopy (fourth Saturday, moved due to weekend
event at Village Hall)
April 20th Plant Microtomy (Buds)
May 18th Pond dipping
June 15th Pseudoscorpions
* July 27th Pollen slides (fourth Saturday, moved due to Village Fete)
August 17th Bee Legs
September 21st Mites
* October 20th Parasites (this is a Sunday meeting, moved at request of
Quekett to accommodate Quekex – The Annual Exhibition of Microscopy)
November 16th Owl Pellets
December 21st Christmas plants
If you’d like further information our website is at
or contact Gordon on or 07880 715228.
Sunflower pollen
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